Bucket Elimination
Table of contents
Bucket elimination is a generalisation of variable elimination that works for any distribution (including non-tree structured distributions). It can be considered as a way to organise the distributed summation when doing marignal variable elimination.
- Define an ordering of variables beginning with “marginal variable”
- Draw the buckets starting with the “marginal variable” at the bottom
- Distribute the potentials over the buckets in the first column:
- Start with the highest bucket and put all potentials mentioning the variable in the bucket
- Go to the next bucket and put all REMAINING potentials mentioning the variable in the bucket
- Eliminate the buckets:
- Go to the highest (non-marginalized) bucket and
- Marginilize the product of the bucket potentials and the bucket message over the bucket variable
- Send the result (the message) to the highest bucket with bucket variables present in the message
- Write non-eliminated potentials and the message in the next column
- The product of the bucket potentials and bucket messages on the last row, last column is the marginal distribution
Let’s say we have the following model:
Where we have:
\[\begin{align} p(f) &= \sum_{a,b,c,d,e,g} p(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) \\ &= \sum_{a,b,c,d,e,g} p(f\mid d) p(g\mid d,e) p(c\mid a) p(d \mid a,b) p(a) p(b) p(e) \end{align}\]Here we can push some summations inside, lets say we use the following order: e,c,b,g,a,d
\[p(f) = \sum_d p(f\mid d) \sum_a p(a) \sum_g \sum_b p(d\mid a,b)p(b) \sum_c p(c\mid a) \sum_e p(g\mid d,e) p(e)\]Follow the procedure in the image below:
- F-D-A-G-B-C-E
- If you need other marginals you need to re-order the variables and re-run the algorithm. This is not efficient. It would be more efficient to reuse messages, rather than recalculating them each time.
- Bucket elimination constructs multi-variable messages from bucket to bucket. The storage requirements of a multi-variable message are in general exponential in the number of variables in the message.
- For singly connected graphs: perfect ordering exists that makes computational complexity linear in the number of variables. However, orderings exist for which bucket elimination will be extremely inefficient.